Friday, July 31, 2009

Lover's Thing

Welcome to my blog! This is the first post of many. And i just want to get a feel of it. So in this one i`ma just be talking about random things and how i feel about my life because i have alot going on right now.

So having a boyfriend is suppose to be all goodie good right?! Hmph fucking wrong! He promised me that he wouldnt hurt me and i believed it. But he proved my point that all guys do is lie! I gave him everything[well not everything...but dammit i was fucking close to it] wen he needed a shoulder to cry on i was there, and everything else iono.

Then he jus goes and up n disappear for like 3 weeks? havent spoken to him in 2 like what the fuck am i suppose to do? jus sit around and wait for him to get his act right together?! lol fuck no he got the wrong bitch...he musta forgot that i am not one of these lil mullins bitchs around here...but wateva fuck niggas they aint shit but what i have learned from this relationship and past ones is that i jump into them too fast, maybe just maybe if i would have waited just a little bit longer before saying i would be his girlfriend it would have worked, i would have noticed this part about him the him not calling or showing up like he use to...iono i`m not gonna dwell on the past i`ma live and learn. and I can say that i have lived and learned but i can say that i am happy with my life and he didnt break me down lol im stronger than ever
